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People's Covid Inquiry Video Project

The People's Covid Inquiry is a hugely ambitious project. We will have at least 16 hours of oral testimony in our live online sessions and possibly more. In that time we will hear from around 40 different witnesses, including some world-leading experts, as well as people sharing their personal experiences of the pandemic.
This only scratches the surface, the Covid-19 crisis has revealed a wide range of structural issues in society. So in addition to the many witnesses who are appearing in the online sessions, we've asked people to send in additional video testimony to be submitted to our panel for their deliberation. If you'd like to know more about submitting video testimony please click here.
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Dr Phil Hammond, GP and 'MD' from Private Eye
Talks about what the Government could have done differebtly and the need for the public inquiry
Sandra Daniels, Chair of Reclaim Social Chair gives video testimony, she says: "During the pandemic, there was very little acknowledgement of the impact the pandemic restrictions were having on disabled women"
Stacey Richardson, a paediatric nurse working in Newcastle, talks about her experiences during the pandemic.
Marielle In this Stand up for Social Care campaign video organised by Unison North West, social care worker Marielle, shares her experiences as a care worker 
Dr Lola Fakoya-Sales GP registrar who also worked shifts in A&E during the pandemict alks about her heartbreaking experiences as the covid pandemic hit.
Bob Williams-Findlay, disabled activist, gives his view on the Government's failures during the pandemic.
Lisa In this up for Social Care campaign organised by Unison North West, social care worker Lisa shares her reasons for stopping work as a social care worker 
Dr Aaminah Verity who qualified as a GP during the pandemic, shares powerful testimony about life as a GP working in community and hospital settings 
Aliya Yule Migrants Organise talking about how deep distrust of the government and fear of data sharing is affecting take up of vaccines. 
James Skinner Campaign and Programme Lead Medact, a membership organisation for health professionals working on a wide range of issues from migration to climate change

Janet Harris talks about her experience as one of the founder members of the Sheffield Community Contact Tracers, a voluntary group

Judy Stewart tells us about her experiences as part of a locally run initiative called the Sheffield Community Contact Tracers.

Jatinder Hayre tells us where he thinks the Government went wrong, and talks about his experiences as a medicl student on the wards during the pandemic.

Greg Dropkin Merseyside Keep Our NHS Public activist and statistician on the reasons he believes Government inaction caused thousands of unnecessary deaths.
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