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Have Your Say
We want your stories
This is a people's inquiry. That means we want to hear from ordinary people from up and down the country alongside all our excellent experts, professors, doctors, lawyers and more too. If you want to submit video testimony, find out more here on our video page.
So we're asking as many people as possible to take our People's Covid Inquiry survey. And then if you want to have your voice heard in one of our inquiry sessions, you can do that by submitting a question to the inquiry at the bottom of this page. You can find out more about what we'll do with your survey answers and questions here.
Submit a question to the inquiry team
If you want your voice heard in our inquiry sessions we've created an online form so you can submit yours to the expert panel. We may not be able to take all the questions we receive during the session but the panel will see all the questions and they will inform the line of questioning. Click the button below to submit your question.
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