The People's Covid Inquiry
In the absence of a formal public inquiry into the pandemic at the time, when Prime Minister Johnson was
reluctant to call one, The People’s Covid Inquiry, Learn Lessons - Save Lives, was organised by Keep Our NHS Public and opened in February 2021. The Inquiry, chaired by Michael Mansfield KC, with a panel of experts, covered all aspects of the Government’s handling of the pandemic and heard testimony from bereaved family members, a wide range of national and international experts, previous government advisors, academics, trade union leaders and health and other frontline workers.
We are proud that our Inquiry filled the deafening silence from the Government and identified key lessons that, if acted on, could save lives in this and future pandemics. This has not happened. We remain shocked at the avoidable loss of tens of thousands of lives through the neglect of pandemic planning, the run down of the NHS, and the intense inequality in this country. In our Inquiry we heard the pride of NHS, care and other frontline staff but also their pain, exhaustion and moral injury. The level of government cronyism and resultant profiteering has been blatant and in plain sight. Our overall conclusion is that there has been misconduct in public office. If this is not addressed, the country cannot learn the lessons from today to face the challenge of tomorrow.
Covid continues and yet public health measures have been abandoned.
We hope the UK Public Inquiry will address these issues.